Log Splitter Firewood Tips and Tricks
Buying Firewood:
Having firewood at your disposal during winter is a good way to have comfort and heat in your homes. Since, time immemorial, wood have been tool for men to parry the cold during winter and even during spring and fall. Now, things have not changed and we still rely on wood to keep us warm. If you are new to wood burning and have just moved in the states where heater is not available, how then can you buy firewood for your needs?
may want to answer a few questions as you think of
purchasing firewood. What, in the first place, is the measurement
used when buying wood? What types of woods are ideal
for winter? What woods are easy to burn and what wood generates more
heat? Definitely, firewood are not created equal.
With a variety of woods available in the market, there must be a select few that can suit well for your needs.
The basics of firewood buying include knowing common information regarding firewood supplies so you will not have to rely on trial and error in getting the best firewood for your winter needs. Options like Craigslist and newspapers are good local choices that can save you time and effort.
How to Dry Firewood
If you buy firewood from your dealer, it is typically expected that what you have bought are green firewood. What this means is that these woods are not yet seasoned. There is still moisture in them and burning them is not an ideal option for you to do. It is expected that you will need to dry them, at least one summer season to make them fit for burning in the coming winter season. But how can you dry your firewood? Are there definite steps that you need to perform?Actually there are some basic steps you need to master and be an expert so you can dry your firewood effectively. Drying firewood usually entails stacking them properly and storing them in a place where they can be protected from rain and winter snow.
Common tips and tricks on how to dry firewood will allow you to have your next winter season go smoothly without trouble of burning unseasoned firewood. During this time, you can expect a warmth heat from your firewood comforting you in the cold winter season.
Allow your wood to dry in an open environment with air flow and protection from rain and snow.
Detailed Guide for Stacking Firewood
Now that you have cut and split the wood and ready to season and dry your firewood, the next important step that you need to do is stacking them. In a way, this is the easiest and most fun to do when drying firewood. You got to clean up that lumber mess you have made on the ground and now have to arrange them in neat pile. How would you do it? Is there a science in this seemingly easy piling? Surely, you would not want these logs just lying around and left to dry by itself in this disorder pile.Seasoned builders usually find fun in stacking their woods so it can dry and be ready for the next fall and winter season. Like them, you will also find a way to get the job done by knowing some basic rules and effective methods in stacking woods. You then just have to complete this last step in drying your firewood. What comes next is more than six months of waiting before finally burning them on your wood stove.
The basic detailed stacking technique for your cut and split firewood is essential information for an effective stacking procedure. It should be done in a way that allows air flow for drying, and cover for keeping it dry.
Different types of splitters offer varied benefits and at the same time have some drawbacks. The piece of machinery you choose must be selected keeping in view all the important features that you need and you will be able to make a good choice.
The Best Place to Store Firewood
Cutting firewood for upcoming season would surely consume a lot of your time and efforts. You may have spent many days in gathering and splitting your season firewood and now when it is time to think about storage of this big pile of wood, it is important to ensure proper storage while keeping in to account all the factors that may affect your firewood. After all you would not want your hard invested firewood pile to go in waste.
A correct place for storage will keep this investment protected at all times for you to use when it is time for winter. Wood is a material that can easily get damaged with calls of nature like snow, rainfall, excess of humidity etc. So make sure you pay close attention to all these and other factors in order to house your firewood in a correct storage place.
Tips for Burning Firewood in a Wood Stove
What are the best ways of using wood stove? This question may pop
up in your mind as you are either have bought a new wood stove or have
an old one that has been keeping your household warm during the winter
season. Though, there is the presence of thermostat to heat your family,
having a wood stove can give your security as the former sometimes is
not reliable. This is probably the reason why many, like you, have thought
a wood stove is a must in your home.
Recent studies also support this trend of using wood as renewable energy
in many household. According to recent statistics, there is an increase
in popularity and use of wood as their heating source in the past years.
More household now are turning to this old reliable, renewable energy
as the use of kerosene and fuel oil has, in turn, decreased.
So you have a wood stove and how then can you use it wisely? What are
the tips and tricks best observed when utilizing this heating tool?
I expect that you can use your wood stove and avoid the common beginner’s
mistakes that can compromise the comfort you should experience during
winter season.
Types of Firewood – Which is best for burning
Winters are particularly a season where you love to sit by the fire and enjoy a hot cup of coffee. For those of you who have a fireplace inside your house, collection of firewood that is easy to burn and convenient to use is important. Fireplaces are easy to build and it won’t cost you much money and you will surely enjoy sitting by it when winds are cold outside.
Real wood burning is something that no artificial heater can replace. The sound of crackling woods and smoky smell gives you a truly pleasant feeling. Now you would be thinking what type of firewood is best for burning.
Different types of wood have varied characteristics and thus with so many available choices you can choose your preference depending upon different factors. To begin with, read up on the different hard woods and soft woods that are native to your area.